Time for stories, Heft 01 – 10, Kennenlernpaket (je Heft 1 Exemplar)
10 Hefte je 24 Seiten, 14,5x13,5 cm, vierfärbig, geheftet (je 1 mal: Frosty the snowman, Simon the sheep, At the fair, Happy Easter, A really big fish, Come on Arnie, Sea life, Colourful world, The little dragon, What a night)
ISBN 978-3-619-49157-5, Bestellnummer M-4901-57
Verlag: Mildenberger
Preis: 20,50 €
Zielgruppe: Schüler:innen, 3., 4. Klasse
Je 1 mal: Frosty the snowman, Simon the sheep, At the fair, Happy Easter, A really big fish, Come on Arnie, Sea life, Colourful world, The little dragon, What a night