A2 – Making Maps
Smithsonian Readers – Grade 2. Mit gratis digi.BUCH!
32 pages, color 4/4, Perfect Bound; 1444 words
ISBN 978-3-7098-3023-9, Bestellnummer G-4C-978-3-7098-3023-9-COD
Verlag: Kooperation BVL – Teacher’s Created Materials
Preis: 10,99 €
Zielgruppe: Schüler:innen, 2., 3. Klasse
Most people use maps every day. But imagine a time when a map of a place didn’t exist. Without a map, how would you get there? How would you know how to get around? Navigate through history as you learn the art, science, history, and importance of making maps. Created in collaboration with the Smithsonian Institution, this STEAM book will ignite a curiosity about STEAM topics through real-world ...