A1 – Look Inside: Your Brain
TIME FOR KIDS® Nonfiction Readers – Early Fluent Plus. Mit gratis digi.BUCH!
28 pages, color 4/4, Perfect Bound; 755 words
ISBN 978-3-7098-3006-2, Bestellnummer G-4C-978-3-7098-3006-2-COD
Verlag: Kooperation BVL – Teacher’s Created Materials
Preis: 8,99 €
Zielgruppe: Schüler:innen, 1., 2. Klasse
Learn all about the amazing things your brain does and how to keep it healthy and strong! Readers will discover the anatomy of the brain including neurons, the cerebellum, and the nervous system. Using vibrant images and informational text in conjunction with supportive diagrams, readers are encouraged to learn all about (and use) their brains.