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Cover / Produktfoto

Dona Herweck Rice

A2 – Piecing Art Together

Smithsonian Readers – Grade 2. Mit gratis digi.BUCH!

32 pages, color 4/4, Perfect Bound; 1374 words

ISBN 978-3-7098-3024-6, Bestellnummer G-4C-978-3-7098-3024-6-COD

Verlag: Kooperation BVL – Teacher’s Created Materials

Preis: 10,99 €

Zielgruppe: Schüler:innen, 2., 3. Klasse

What do toothpicks, dryer lint, plastic bottles, and soup cans have in common? They are all items that have been used to create art! Found art is a type of art that involves creating pieces from found objects that are not usually considered to be artistic. Learn how these ordinary objects are made into beautiful art. Created in collaboration with the Smithsonian Institution, this STEAM book will i ...

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