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Cover / Produktfoto
Cover / Produktfoto

Dipl.-Päd., MPOS, M.Ed. Bernhard Thiel

Ernährung Fitness Wellness – Fit 4 U Fit 4 Life

44 Seiten, A4, s/w, geheftet

ISBN 978-3-85221-289-0, Bestellnummer G-212-890

Verlag: BVL - Bildungsverlag Lemberger

Preis: 14,90 €

Zielgruppe: Schüler:innen, 3., 4. Klasse

Englisch als Arbeitssprache!

This folder is a collection of tasks that can be used as a supplement to “Ernährung, Fitness, Wellness”. It provides a lot of material for CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) lessons in English. The topics covered are healthy nutrition as well as approaches to a successful consumer education which strongly relates to finding one‘s personal lifestyle.