A1 – Helping Animals Learn
Smithsonian Readers – Grade 1. Mit gratis digi.BUCH!
24 pages, color 4/4, Perfect Bound; 604 words
ISBN 978-3-7098-3013-0, Bestellnummer G-4C-978-3-7098-3013-0-COD
Verlag: Kooperation BVL – Teacher’s Created Materials
Preis: 8,99 €
Zielgruppe: Schüler:innen, 2., 3. Klasse
Animal keepers have developed innovative ways to help zoo animals learn and grow. Learn how zookeepers keep animals healthy and happy with this fun and informative book. Created in collaboration with the Smithsonian Institution, this STEAM book will ignite a curiosity about STEAM topics through real-world examples. It features a hands-on STEAM challenge that is perfect for makerspaces and that gui ...